Hey there! I’m just like you, always on the hunt for ways to jazz up my thinking cap and keep things fresh. So, I’ve been diving deep into the world of creative thinking exercises, and guess what? I’ve stumbled upon some seriously cool tricks that’ll twist your brain in the best possible way. And I’m not talking about those high-falutin, only-for-genius types of stuff. These are practical, do-it-today kinds of creative thinking exercises that anyone can try.

Ready to shake up your brain and sprinkle some creative magic into your life? Let’s dive in!

A women showing the power of creative thinking exercises by holding a light bulb on her hand and pointing finger to her head

Understanding Creative Thinking Exercises

Creative thinking isn’t just for artists or inventors; it’s a skill that can benefit absolutely everyone. From solving daily problems to coming up with out-of-the-box ideas at work, creative thinking exercises are like a workout for your brain, keeping it sharp and flexible.

What are the Best Creative Thinking Exercises

Unlock the boundless realm of imagination with these dynamic creative thinking exercises, the kaleidoscopic keys to innovation. Dive into the reservoir of your mind, challenge conventional thoughts with the eccentric, and sculpt the extraordinary from the clay of the ordinary—where limitations dissolve, and innovation blossoms.

1. Mind Mapping for Innovative Ideas

First up, let’s talk about mind mapping. It’s like a treasure map for your thoughts, where you start with a central idea and branch out into related concepts. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Grab a paper and pen.

Step 2: Write your main idea in the center.

Step 3: Draw branches to related ideas and keep branching out.

Step 4: Use colors, symbols, and images to make it visually stimulating.

2. The 30 Circles Test – Unleashing Creativity

The 30 circles test is super simple but incredibly effective. You take a paper with 30 blank circles and fill in as many as you can in 3 minutes, turning them into recognizable objects. The goal? To push past the obvious and explore new possibilities.

3. Six Thinking Hats for Diverse Perspectives

The Six Thinking Hats method, developed by Edward de Bono, involves looking at a problem from six different perspectives, represented by colored hats. It’s a fantastic way to explore ideas and solutions you might not have considered otherwise.

4. The Why Technique – Questioning the Norm

This one’s all about asking ‘why’ repeatedly, drilling down to the core of an issue or idea. It’s a simple but powerful way to explore the depths of any concept or problem.

A faceless person showing note of "WHY?"

5. SCAMPER Your Way to Creativity

SCAMPER stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse. With each letter, you ask specific questions about a product or process to generate new ideas.

6. Reverse Thinking for Fresh Perspectives

Ever thought about working backward? Reverse thinking challenges you to start with the desired outcome and work your way back to the present. It’s a great way to see things differently.

7. Role Storming for Empathy and Insight

Role-storming is like regular brainstorming, but you take on a different persona. By thinking like someone else (a customer, a famous person, a historical figure), you can uncover unique insights.

8. Random Input for Unexpected Connections

Random input is all about letting randomness guide your creative process. Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Choose a random word or image.

Step 2: Think about how it relates to your challenge or idea.

Step 3: Let this random connection spark new thoughts.

It’s like throwing a wild card into your thinking process – you never know what amazing ideas might come up!

9. The Idea Lotus – Blooming Creativity

The Idea Lotus is a framework that helps you expand on a central idea, just like the petals of a lotus. You start with your main idea in the center and then expand outward with related concepts, exploring different aspects and dimensions. It’s a visual and structured way to brainstorm.

10. Analogies for Creative Insights

Analogies are a powerful tool for creative thinking. By comparing your problem or idea to something completely different, you can gain new insights. For instance, ask yourself, “How is this project like a garden?” Such comparisons can lead to surprising and innovative solutions.

Brain inscription on a box on head of faceless person

11. The Imaginary Brainstorm – Thinking Outside the Box

This is where you let your imagination run wild. Imagine a scenario where the laws of physics don’t apply or where resources are unlimited. How would you solve your problem then? This exercise stretches your thinking and opens up new possibilities.

12. Forced Connections for Innovative Ideas

Forced connections involve deliberately combining unrelated concepts. Take two random objects or ideas and find a way to connect them. This method often leads to unconventional and creative solutions.

13. The Five Whys – Diving Deeper into Ideas

Originally developed for problem-solving in the business world, the Five Whys technique involves asking “Why?” five times to get to the root cause of a problem. It can also be used creatively to explore the depths of an idea.

14. Challenging Assumptions for Breakthrough Thinking

Here, you identify and challenge the assumptions underlying your problem or idea. By questioning what you take for granted, you can break free from conventional thinking and discover new perspectives.

15. Storyboarding for Visual Thinking

Storyboarding isn’t just for filmmakers; it’s a great tool for visualizing any idea or project. By sketching out your thoughts in a sequence of images, you can see how your idea might play out and uncover new angles and aspects.

A girl practicing visualizing as one of creative thinking exercises

Elevate your creative prowess with these stimulating creative thinking exercises, where ingenuity knows no bounds.

Implementing Creative Thinking Exercises in Daily Life

Now that we’ve explored a variety of creative thinking exercises, the real magic happens when you weave them into your everyday life. It’s not just about trying them once; it’s about making them a regular part of your routine. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

  1. Set Aside Time for Creative Activities: Dedicate a few minutes each day to practicing these exercises. It could be during your morning coffee, on your commute, or right before bed.
  2. Keep a Creativity Journal: Document your experiences, ideas, and insights gained from these exercises. It’s not only motivating but also a great way to track your progress.
  3. Involve Others: Share these creative thinking exercises with friends, family, or colleagues. Collaborative creativity can lead to even more amazing ideas and solutions.
  4. Stay Curious: Always be on the lookout for new ways to challenge your thinking. Creativity thrives on curiosity and a willingness to explore the unknown.
  5. Embrace Mistakes: Remember, there’s no right or wrong in creative thinking. Mistakes and ‘silly ideas’ can sometimes lead to the most brilliant insights.
  6. Mix and Match Exercises: Don’t be afraid to combine different creative thinking exercises or tweak them to suit your style. The more personalized your approach, the more effective it will be.
  7. Stay Consistent: Like soft skills or any skill, creative thinking gets better with practice. The more you practice these exercises, the more naturally creative thinking will come to you.


So there you have it – 15 creative thinking exercises that can turbocharge your brain and spark a whole new level of innovation and problem-solving. Remember, creativity isn’t about having an artistic skill; it’s about seeing things differently and being open to new possibilities. And the best part? Anyone can do it. So, why not give these exercises a try and see where they take you? Who knows, you might just surprise yourself with what you come up with!